Tuesday, October 9, 2012

PSA - Take a CPR Course

I've taken many CPR courses over the years, first as a babysitter, a few times as a volunteer for different organizations, and lately at work as a member of the emergency response team.  It's easy to forget the importance of CPR - if you can perform it, you can literally make a difference between life and death for someone.

I read a great Runner's World article today about a doctor who stopped during the Twin Cities 10-miler to revive a fallen runner.  The fallen runner is reported to be doing ok and the doctor went on to finish the race, so all is well that ends well.  What is truly heartbreaking is the lone comment (when I read it) on the article, written by someone who had to watch a man die because no one knew CPR.  I can't imagine how hard that must have been - and how much his wife, who was there, must have suffered.

My point?  Learn CPR, pay attention to your surroundings, and if someone looks like they need help, please stop and help them.  You'll always have another race you could PR in - someone having a heart attack may not.

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